
Bereits heu­te star­ten die ers­ten Mee­tings zur Vor­be­rei­tung des 40. ICANN Mee­tings in San Fran­cis­co / Sili­con Valley.

dot­BER­LIN ist natür­lich auch wie­der in den für neue Top-Level-Domains (new gTLDs) rele­van­ten Mee­tings ver­tre­ten. Dies sind u.a. das Tref­fen der Regie­rungs­ver­tre­ter mit den ICANN-Direk­to­ren, zahl­rei­che Ses­si­ons über die neu­en TLDs und das Mee­ting der Betrei­ber jet­zi­ger gTLDs, bei dem wir einer der weni­gen zuge­las­se­nen Beob­ach­ter sind.

In die­sen Rah­men haben wir uns schon heu­te mit einem umfas­sen­den Bei­trag ein­ge­bracht um die Stadt-Top-Level-Domains voranzubringen:

” … Top-Level Domains for cities, regi­ons and other geo-loca­ti­ons have been a spe­cial focus of the work of ICANN and the GAC during the deve­lo­p­ment of the new TLD gui­de­lines over the past 6 years. Our initia­ti­ve for a .ber­lin TLD was not only the start­ing point of all mul­ti-stake­hol­der inter­ac­tions, we also con­tri­bu­ted to the deve­lo­p­ment of the Appli­cant Gui­de­book in this respect.

The con­cept of a „let­ter of sup­port or no-objec­tion” of the rele­vant government(s) for a par­ti­cu­lar GeoTLD appli­ca­ti­on of a par­ti­cu­lar appli­cant and the com­mu­ni­ty-based affi­lia­ti­on of geo appli­ca­ti­ons have always been sup­port­ed by us. Both gua­ran­tee a GeoTLD ope­ra­ti­on that is roo­ted in the rele­vant com­mu­ni­ty and the­r­e­fo­re are a basis for a com­mer­ci­al­ly via­ble TLD. This also con­tri­bu­tes to ICANN’s suc­cess and reputation … ”