Im Rah­men des ICANN Public Forum habe ich ein­mal wie­der die Gele­gen­heit ein Update zu .ber­lin zu geben:


„Our .ber­lin (dot­BER­LIN) initia­ti­ve has been around for a while – 3 years or 10 ICANN mee­tings by now, so we had enough time to build a well deve­lo­ped and solid community.

Our com­mu­ni­ty con­sists of over 90 part­ners that repre­sent tens of thou­sands of SMEs, city insti­tu­ti­ons, indi­vi­du­als and a lot of others. They are from cul­tu­re to sports, tou­rism and a pie­ce of any­thing the com­mu­ni­ty of Ber­li­ners con­sists of. We also rea­ched Ber­lins worldwide.

We app­re­cia­te the pro­gress ICANN has made in the new TLD pro­cess which is solid now to hand­le various appli­ca­ti­ons. We also app­re­cia­te the recent­ly intro­du­ced com­mu­ni­ty track in this sen­se. This reflects the spe­cial needs GeoTLDs like .ber­lin have.

The GeoTLDs had their big coming out on Mon­day when the Inter­na­tio­nal Herald Tri­bu­ne fea­tured .paris, .ber­lin and .gal in a com­pre­hen­si­ve artic­le. This artic­le show­ed how posi­ti­ve and encou­ra­ging glo­bal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on about new TLDs can be made.

I also want to share a pie­ce of infor­ma­ti­on which Goog­le exe­cu­ti­ves gave us recent­ly to under­line the importance of the ongo­ing regio­na­liza­ti­on of the Inter­net and the trend to local identity.
First: Today, 50% of all search inqui­ries include a geo­gra­phi­cal iden­ti­fier. Peo­p­le sim­ply search for „hotel paris”, „star­bucks ber­lin” or „schools nyc”.

Second: Search results need good and that means pre­cise domain names to reflect the iden­ti­ty of the web con­tent. They also said: „Can you ima­gi­ne street addres­ses being just num­bers or YOU being a num­ber ins­tead of your first­na­me and lastname.

All of us need and want identity.”