Auf dem Inter­net­gip­fel der Ver­ein­ten Natio­nen, dem Inter­net Gover­nan­ce Forum (IGF), waren wir als dot­BER­LIN nach Vini­us (Litau­en) ein­ge­la­den. Unse­re Erfah­run­gen bei .ber­lin haben wir dort mit Regie­rungs­ver­tre­tern sowie ande­ren Inter­es­sen­ver­tre­tern geteilt. Sie kamen aus Län­dern wie den USA, Chi­na, Japan, Frank­reich und Portugal.


Im Work­shop „City-TLD Gover­nan­ce and Best Prac­ti­ces” dis­ku­tier­te Dirk Kri­schenow­ski mit ande­ren Inter­net­ex­per­ten über die bevor­ste­hen­de Ein­füh­rung von Stadt-Top-Level-Domains. Ein wei­te­res The­ma waren die Mul­ti-Stake­hol­der-Model­le für das Manage­ment von cityTLDs. Die von uns auf­ge­stell­ten The­sen wur­den dabei von meh­re­ren Regie­rungs­ver­tre­tern eben­falls in ihren Bei­trä­gen als wich­ti­ger Aspekt der neu­en Namens­räu­me auf­ge­grif­fen. Als dot­BER­LIN konn­ten wir damit ein­mal unse­re Vor­rei­ter­stel­lung in die­sem The­men­ge­biet unter­strei­chen. Ini­tiert hat­te den Work­shop mit Unter­stüt­zung der Stadt .nyc-Grün­der Tom Lowen­haupt.

Dirk Kri­schenow­ski sag­te beim Inter­net Gover­nan­ce Forum IGF Vil­ni­us 2010:

My name is Dirk Kri­schenow­ski and I’m foun­der and CEO of dot­BER­LIN, the initia­ti­ve for the .BERLIN name space. We are also con­sul­ting other Euro­pean capi­tals and cities on this topic. I am hap­py to share and dis­cuss our expe­ri­ence with you today.

This is my 3rd IGF and the 3rd IGF-Panel I am invi­ted to speak about aspects in city- and Geo TLDs. Today I will not speak in detail about the .ber­lin top-level domain; I will focus on aspects how cities will bene­fit from their own name spaces.

The idea of city top-level domains is gene­ric. Alre­a­dy in the histo­ry of the DNS (Domain Name Sys­tem) Jon Pos­tel con­side­red spaces not only for count­ries but also for cities and regi­ons. Mid of the 90’s he got requests to add .Carib­be­an, .Eng­land and the .USA as string to the root.

First attempts for a cityTLD had been made in 2000 when par­ties tried to get .NYC and .DUBAI appro­ved by ICANN. They fai­led for various reasons, for ins­tance lack­ing a con­cept for ope­ra­ting a cityTLD. The first per­son I know that had a good ide­as on how cityTLDs could be mana­ged and gover­ned at the same time was Tom Lowenhaupt.

We at dot­BER­LIN lear­ned from this and went in 2005 to ICANN with a clear-cut con­cept and mul­ti-stake­hol­der approach and asked ICANN to open an appli­ca­ti­on win­dow for .BERLIN.

Sin­ce then the topic of cityTLDs beca­me visi­ble glo­bal­ly and fer­ti­li­zed more than a dozen initia­ti­ves in metro­po­li­ses like Paris, Tokyo or Syd­ney. We are all wai­ting now that ICANN appro­ves our cityTLDs.

But let’s focus on a future whe­re cityTLDs are alre­a­dy in place. The­re are many are­as of bene­fits on which I could talk today, but my sin­ce my spea­king time is limi­t­ed I would like to focus on a sin­gle inte­res­t­ing aspect.

Within our dot­BER­LIN mul­ti-stake­hol­der out­reach in poli­tics, busi­ness, cul­tu­re and among citi­zens we espe­ci­al­ly inspi­red city mar­ke­ting & bran­ding peo­p­le and city and city mayor orga­niza­ti­ons on this hot new topic.

At the moment I am pre­pa­ring a paper for the 2nd Inter­na­tio­nal Pla­ce­bran­ding Con­fe­rence in Bogo­ta in Jan 2011. And I would like to share some of the the­sis from this paper for dis­cus­sion with you today.

  1. The digi­tal bran­ding will beco­me ore important in the future in the city’s mar­ke­ting stra­tegy. Digi­tal bran­ding will beco­me a more rele­vant com­pe­ti­ti­on fac­tor when it comes to attract to capi­tal, peo­p­le and gene­ral inte­rest. In this sen­se a cityTLD may be come a uni­que desti­na­ti­on pro­po­si­ti­on com­pa­ra­ble to an USP.
  2. City bran­ding by top-level domains will unleash the poten­ti­al of a who­le city socie­ty to mar­ket their desti­na­ti­on. Not only the city govern­ment and insti­tu­ti­ons are in lead here. Each city domain name, let’s say, will con­tri­bu­te as indi­vi­du­al ambassa­dor of it’s own city.
  3. CityTLDs have the poten­ti­al to beco­me the all-over most important cont­act point with the name of the city world­wi­de. Espe­ci­al­ly, sin­ce the name or abbre­via­ti­on of the city will be used bil­lionfold a year in email and for web­sites. Also, cityTLDs will increase search engi­ne ran­kings of cities. This all tog­e­ther is a striking point in the city mar­ke­ting & branding.

I hope I show­ed with the­se points an important dimen­si­on of cityTLDs. They make it even more important to plan the manage­ment and gover­nan­ce of a cityTLD with all affec­ted par­ties, espe­ci­al­ly the city government.