citytlds-citymajorsIch war neben zahl­rei­chen Exper­ten der ICANN-Com­mu­ni­ty ein­ge­la­den beim wich­tigs­ten New gTLD US-Event in New York zu neu­en (Stadt-) Top-Level-Domains zu spre­chen. Dabei waren vor allem unse­re Erfah­run­gen im Auf­bau der .ber­lin Top-Level-Domain inter­es­sant für das Auditorium.

Mas­ter of your Domain – The Era of New TLDs
Wed­nes­day, August 3, 2011, 8:00am – 12:00pm
NYC, Her­rick Fein­stein Audi­to­ri­um, Mid­town – 2 Park Ave. @32 St.

How will the Web be impac­ted by New TLDs:

* The Impact of New TLDs on .Com, .Org, and Coun­try-Code Domain Extensions;
* Brands and SMB Oppor­tu­ni­ties to Increase Brand Iden­ti­ty and Opti­mi­ze Mar­ke­ting and Need to Act Defensively;
* The Pro­gres­si­on of World Cities gai­ning Sove­reign Digi­tal Land to Streng­then Public and Pri­va­te Sec­tors and Glo­bal Relations;
* The Voice of Cul­tu­ral and Inte­rest Groups to be Heard Local­ly, Regio­nal­ly, and Globally

The impact on big busi­ness, smbs, cities, con­tent deve­lo­pers, adver­ti­sers, mar­ket­ers, inves­tors, inte­rest groups and the consumer.

Key­note: Kurt Pritz, Seni­or Vice Pre­si­dent, Stake­hol­der Rela­ti­ons, ICANN

Panel 1 – Brand TLDs
Sarah Lang­stone, Direc­tor of Pro­duct Manage­ment, Veri­sign (.com, .net, .tv)
Roland LaPlan­te, SVP, CMO, Affi­li­as (tech­ni­cal pro­vi­der for .info, .org, .mobi, .asia)
Ben Craw­ford, CEO of Cen­tral­Nic and dot­Brand Solutions
Micha­el Berkens, Co-Foun­der, Right Of The Dot and
Bar­ry Wer­bin Esq, Coun­sel, Trade­marks, Her­rick Fein­stein, LLP
Jef­frey Hayz­lett, CEO of The Hayz­lett Group (remo­te from Sioux Falls)

Panel 2 – Public Inte­rest / Respon­si­bi­li­ty (eg. .org, .eco, .green)
Anna­li­sa Roger, Founder/CEO, Dot­Green Com­mu­ni­ty Inc. (.green appli­cant) (remo­te from Hawaii)
Wen­dy Sel­zer, Esq., Fel­low, Prince­ton University’s Cen­ter for IT Policy
Ana­sta­sia O’Rour­ke, Big Room Inc. (.eco applicant)
Scott Seitz, CEO of Dot­Gay LLC. (.gay appli­cant) (remo­te from LA)
Robert/Stuart Law­ley, CEO of ICM Regis­try (.xxx)
Lan­ce Wolak, VP Mar­ke­ting, PIR (.org)

Panel 3 – Generic/City (eg. .nyc, sfo, .vegas, .movie, .music, .hotel)
Esther Dys­on (Ex ICANN director)
Ken Han­sen, VP of New TLDs, Neu­star (.us, .biz, jobs)
Micha­el McMa­hon Esq., Coun­sel, Govern­ment Rela­ti­ons, Her­rick Fein­stein, LLP. (for­mer Congressman)
Edmon Chung, CEO of DotA­sia Orga­ni­sa­ti­on (.asia)
Adri­an Kin­de­ris, CEO of Aus­Re­gis­try (.au) (remo­te from Sydney)
Dirk Kri­schenow­ski, Foun­der of Dot Ber­lin GMBH (.ber­lin appi­cant) (remo­te from Germany)
Geor­ge T. Bun­dy , CEO of BRS Media (.fm, .radio appli­cant) (pen­ding)

Mode­ra­ted by Paul Far­kas, Smart TLDs
Pre­sen­ted by Alan Bro­dy, TECHmarketing