Recent­ly, an Artic­le in the .NL ccTLD maga­zi­ne „THE.nlyst” has been published about .ber­lin. The artic­le reviews under the titel „.BERLIN: The world’s first city-code domain”, how .ber­lin is doing. Berlin’s Dirk Kri­schenow­ski talks to „The.nlyst” about set­ting up the new domain.

in March, .ber­lin beca­me the first new city-code top-level domain to go live. TLDs are plan­ned for many of the world ’s gre­at cities, with Bar­ce­lo­na, Rio, Ams­ter­dam and others set to fol­low Berlin’s lead . DotBerlin’s CEO Dirk Kri­schenow­ski has been tal­king to The.nlyst about set­ting up the Ger­man capi­tal ’s own domain.