Heu­te fand der viel­be­ach­te­te und dis­ku­tier­te Work­shop bei ICANN Mee­ting in San Juan zum The­ma „New GEO-TLDs – More Con­su­mer Choice or More Con­su­mer Con­fu­si­on?” statt bei dem wir .ber­lin neben .nyc und .paris mit einer brei­ten Com­mu­ni­ty fast 3 Stun­den dis­ku­tie­ren konnten.


Dirk Kri­schenow­ski bei sei­nem Vor­trag über .ber­lin

Mit über 100 Teil­neh­mern war der Work­shop ein gro­ßer Erfolg, vor allem auch, weil sich der Groß­teil der ICANN-Com­mu­ni­ty für die neu­en cityTLDs ausspricht.


After years of dis­cus­sion ICANN is moving towards the adop­ti­on of a poli­cy frame­work for the intro­duc­tion of new gTLDs. Among the most con­tro­ver­si­al cate­go­ries of new gTLDs are TLDs which refer to names of cities and regi­ons. Some groups argue that such new so-cal­led GEO-TLDs would give con­su­mers more choice and would sti­mu­la­te com­pe­ti­ti­on among ser­vice pro­vi­ders. On the other hand some govern­ments and pri­va­te sec­tor con­sti­tuen­ci­es have rai­sed con­cerns and argue that GEO-TLDs would lead to con­su­mer con­fu­si­on or would affect public poli­cy. The ALAC Work­shop „New GEO-TLDs: More Con­su­mer Choice or More Con­su­mer Con­fu­si­on?” offers a space for dis­cus­sion and exch­an­ge of argu­ments. Three pro­jects – .ber­lin, .nyc and .paris – are pre­sen­ted. Comm­ents will come from dif­fe­rent con­sti­tuen­ci­es from the pri­va­te sec­tor, civil socie­ty and govern­ments as well as from mem­bers of various ICANN bodies.

Pre­sen­ta­ti­on of Geo-TLD Initiatives

  1. Ama­deu Abril I Abril, .cat
  2. Tom Lowen­haupt, .nyc Project
  3. Dirk Kir­schenow­ski, .ber­lin Project
  4. Sebas­ti­an Bachol­let, .paris Project

Comm­ents from Constituencies

  1. Govern­ments: Bert­rand de la Cha­pel­le, French Govern­ment, GAC Member
  2. Trade­mark
  3. Users: Beau Brend­ler, Con­su­mer Reports Web­Watch, USA
  4. Regis­trars: Wer­ner Staub, CORE
  5. Regis­tries: Phil­ipp Gra­ben­see, Afilias

Comm­ents from ICANN

  1. Sus­an Craw­ford, ICANN Board of Directors
  2. Jon Bing, GNSO Coun­cil, ICANN
  3. Jac­que­line Mor­ris, At-Lar­ge Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee, ICANN
  4. Ondrej Filip, CNSO Coun­cil, ICANN

Mode­ra­tor: Prof. Wolf­gang Klein­wäch­ter, Uni­ver­si­ty of Aar­hus, Medi­en­stadt Leipzip