Die Vereinigung EUROCITIES (vergleichbar mit einem europäischen Städtetag) hatte uns heute zu einem Vortrag eingeladen. Auf ihrer Veranstaltung zum Thema „Web 2.0: impact on cities and citizens” waren wir in Den Haag vor Ort. Sie hält das Thema cityTLDs für eine relevante Entwicklung für Städte, und bat uns daher um einen Vortrag.

Zuvor hatten sich mehrere Delegierte bereits mit dem verfügbaren Informationsmaterial fit gemacht. Demensprechend viele Fragen waren dann auch im Anschluß an den Vortrag und in den Pausen zu beantworten. Vertreter aus Wien, Den Haag, Antwerpen, Gent und Lodz signalisierten spontanes Interesse für ihr Standortmarketing. Der Vertreter aus Manchester befürchtete, dass er leer ausginge, da das Manchester in der USA viel größer sei als das Britische.
Programm hier.
Meine Ansprache im Originaltext:
Ladies and Gentlemen!
My name is Dirk Krischenowski and I’m the founder of the .berlin cityTLD initiative.
Thank you for inviting and giving me the opportunity to talk about a global development which will have impact on the digital face of cities in the near future.
By this development I mean own virtual name spaces for cities, also called city top-level domains or cityTLDs.
In a couple of cities there are currently cityTLDs in development and will lead to domain names like www.hotels.paris, www.wall.berlin or www.mayor.nyc. You can imagine that these new domain names will concern and reach the entire city community, from government to the smallest business and the citizens.
Why are these cityTLDs so interesting for cities?
You all are well aware that cities must develop Unique Destination Propositions to sustain the city’s brand and competitiveness. And at this conference you are talking about the high relevance and chances the Internet has for the city communication.
In this context the cityTLDs are a new development. To explain what cityTLDs are let me use some comparisons: On one hand cityTLDs are a basic and sustainable telecommunication infrastructure, comparable to a new telephone area-code.
On the other hand cityTLDs are a very visible city marketing and communication tool which gives the city’s name annually billion-fold attention worldwide, because authorities, businesses and people will use domain names with the city name inside for websites and email.
I would be happy to start discussing the chances of cityTLDs with you here at the conference. Please find more information and articles on cityTLDs at the front desk.
Thank you! – Dirk Krischenowski