.ber­lin ist heu­te auf der Start­sei­te des News­let­ters der Welt­mar­ken­rechts­or­ga­ni­sa­ti­on INTA:


„Ber­lin could bene­fit from pro­po­sals to intro­du­ce more gTLDs, as a Ger­man com­pa­ny is plan­ning to app­ly to launch .ber­lin once ICANN appro­ves the new gTLD pro­cess. The com­pa­ny, for­med in 2005 by entre­pre­neur Dirk Kri­schenow­ski, is see­king cor­po­ra­te back­ing to be one of the first new gTLDs. Mar­kus Bah­mann of avo­ca­do rechts­an­wäl­te, who is on the Board of .ber­lin and advi­ses the com­pa­ny on legal issues, said it is now wri­ting a sun­ri­se poli­cy: “We don’t want to be pira­tes.” He added that TLDs such as .ber­lin are likely to beco­me more popu­lar: “Regio­na­liza­ti­on of the Inter­net is going to be the future.” Other city-based TLDs that have been pro­po­sed include .ham­burg, .paris and .nyc.”

Quel­le: http://www.inta.org/images/stories/img_pictures/am08/PDF/dailynewswednesdayberlin.pdf