Mit dem aus den Stadt-Top-Level-Domain-Initia­ti­ven .bcn, .ber­lin, .ham­burg, .nyc / .nyc und .paris gegrün­de­ten Club bezie­hen wir Stel­lung zu dem Ent­wurf der Aus­schrei­bung für die neue TLDs.


Unter­zeich­net ist unser Paper von den jeweils offi­zi­el­len Ver­tre­tern der Initia­ti­ven, u.a. auch den Ver­tre­tern der Stadt Paris sowie der Stadt Bar­ce­lo­na. Es ist der kleins­te gemein­sa­me Nen­ner unse­rer Initia­ti­ven zum Draft Appli­cant Gui­de­book.

Der Ori­gi­nal­text lautet:

Comm­ents to the Draft Appli­cant Guidebook

We, as the repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of 5 city top-level domain (cityTLD) initia­ti­ves, would like to thank all the peo­p­le that con­tri­bu­ted, fol­lo­wed up and fina­li­zed the Draft Appli­cant Gui­de­book (Draft RFP). It is a fun­da­men­tal docu­ment which will bring much grea­ter relia­bi­li­ty in the appr­oval of new top-level domain (TLD), and it is a gre­at step towards a ful­ly accom­plished mis­si­on of ICANN. The new TLD pro­cess will make it pos­si­ble that our com­mu­ni­ties will be able to use their own iden­ti­ties on the top-level from next year.

Top-level domains for cities will beco­me an important part of the deve­lo­p­ment of the domain-name-sys­tem (DNS) in the future. cityTLDs are a reasonable expan­si­on of the DNS, sin­ce city iden­ti­ty is one of the oldest, stron­gest and most popu­lar ways that peo­p­le iden­ti­fy them­sel­ves. Cities are glo­bal dri­vers of inno­va­ti­on and pro­gress and will con­tain more than two-thirds of the world’s popu­la­ti­on by 2030.

Detail­ed argu­ments for our com­ment points below have been cir­cu­la­ted suf­fi­ci­ent­ly within the com­mu­ni­ty during the last years. The­r­e­fo­re we keep our comm­ents on the Draft Appli­cant Gui­de­book brief:

Com­ment to Eva­lua­ti­on Fee and Annu­al Fees to ICANN

We think that the eva­lua­ti­on fee of US$185,000 and US$75,000 annu­al fees to ICANN are far too high because:

1. We expect that city top-level domain appli­cants with sup­port by rele­vant government/s and/or public authority/ies will rai­se fewer issues in the appli­ca­ti­on process.

2. We anti­ci­pa­te that high fees will cau­se harmful eco­no­mic pres­su­re on the cityTLDs, both in the appli­ca­ti­on and ope­ra­tio­nal phases.

The­r­e­fo­re we sug­gest lowe­ring the eva­lua­ti­on fee for city top-level domains to US$50,000 and the mini­mum annu­al fee to US$15,000.

Com­ment to Timeline

We think that ICANN should adhe­re to the appli­ca­ti­on time­line published with the Draft Appli­cant Guidebook.

Com­ment to Sub­se­quent Appli­ca­ti­on Rounds

We think that ICANN should sta­te in the Final Appli­cant Gui­de­book exact dates for the appli­ca­ti­on sub­mis­si­on win­dow for this round, and a cle­ar­ly defi­ned date for next round.

Gene­ral Com­ment on Poli­cy Dele­ga­ti­on in Com­mu­ni­ty Applications

We think that the Appli­cant Gui­de­book should sta­te that the poli­cy aut­ho­ri­ty and gover­nan­ce for com­mu­ni­ty-based top-level domains should be dele­ga­ted to the respec­ti­ve community.


This docu­ment is sup­port­ed and signed by the fol­lo­wing cityTLD initiatives:

.bcn - repre­sen­ted by Raquel Gis­bert (Ajun­ta­ment de Bar­ce­lo­na), Mar­ta Tél­lez (pro­ject mana­ger) and Ama­deu Abril i Abril (advi­ser)

.ber­lin – repre­sen­ted by the Dirk Kri­schenow­ski (foun­der and CEO of dot­BER­LIN GmbH & Co. KG)

.ham­burg – repre­sen­ted by the Oli­ver Süme (foun­der and CEO of Initia­ti­ve dot­Ham­burg e.V.)

.nyc – repre­sen­ted by Ant­o­ny Van Cou­ve­ring (foun­der and CEO of Dot NYC LLC) and Tho­mas Lowen­haupt (foun­der and mana­ging direc­tor of, Inc.)

.paris – repre­sen­ted by Eric Spitz (City of Paris legal depart­ment) and Sté­pha­ne Van Gel­der (Gene­ral mana­ger of INDOM, con­sul­tant to the City Of Paris

Decem­ber 13th, 2008

About dot­Ci­ties

dot­Ci­ties is the alli­ance of city top-level domains and initia­ti­ves for city top-level domains. dot­Ci­ties is curr­ent­ly repre­sen­ted by 5 city top-level domain initia­ti­ves and ope­ra­tes as an inter­na­tio­nal forum and plat­form for explo­ring issues and con­cerns com­mon to all city top-level domains.