The Ger­man Inter­net asso­cia­ti­on eco e.V. hono­red our Foun­der and CEO Dirk Kri­schenow­ski yes­ter­day evening with a spe­cial Award. During the year­ly „eco Inter­net Award” Gala in Colo­gne, Dirk has been hono­red for his achie­ve­ments on the new gTLDs, espe­ci­al­ly for cities and regi­ons. In the lau­da­to­ry speech the eco ack­now­led­ged his signi­fi­cant con­tri­bu­ti­on on the sub­ject of new Top-Level domains, not only for .ber­lin, but for other initia­ti­ves world­wi­de. Due to his work the awa­re­ness among cities for their respec­ti­ve city Top-Level domain gai­ned sub­stan­ti­al­ly as in New York, Paris, Lon­don, and Tokyo.