At today’s 3rd day of the 33rd public ICANN mee­ting in Cai­ro, Dirk Kri­schenow­ski, Foun­der and CEO of dot­BER­LIN, announ­ced the foun­ding of a coali­ti­on of appli­cants for city Top-Level Domains. The group which con­sists of the initia­ti­ves from Bar­ce­lo­na, Ber­lin, Ham­burg, New York City and Paris, is going to repre­sent the com­mon inte­rests of its mem­bers within ICANN and work towards the deve­lo­p­ment of best prac­ti­ces with regard to the gover­nan­ce of the new name spaces. As of yet, the future sta­tus of the group in the ICANN struc­tu­re has not been defi­ned. As a first step, the group will sub­mit comm­ents to the Draft Appli­cant Gui­de­book for new gTLDs. In par­ti­cu­lar, the pro­po­sed sche­du­le, the fees and the eva­lua­ti­on sys­tem are being cri­ti­zed by the cityTLDs group.