Der Work­shop „Broa­de­ning the Domain Name Space: Top Level Domains for Cities, Regi­ons and Con­ti­nents?” auf dem 2. Inter­net Gover­nan­ce Forum in Rio hat­te über 100 Teil­neh­mer. Das zeigt, dass die Idee von Namens­räu­men für Gemein­schaf­ten auf Basis ihrer Spra­che, ihrer Kul­tur oder ihres Wohn­or­tes sehr inter­es­sant ist. Wolf­gang Klein­wäch­ter hat­te eine beacht­li­che Anzahl von bereits bestehen­den und künf­ti­gen GeoTLDs ver­sam­melt. Ver­tre­ter von .eu, .cat, .asia, .afri­ca, .mer­co­sur, .lat, .bai­res, .gal, .eus, .nyc, .paris und .ber­lin waren nach Rio ein­ge­la­den. Auf der Kon­fe­renz haben sie ihre Pro­jek­te vor­ge­stellt, ihre Erfah­run­gen aus­ge­tauscht und das The­ma in den grö­ße­ren Kon­fe­renz­zu­sam­men­hang eingebracht.

IGF 2007 dotberlin

von links nach rechts: Sebas­ti­an Bachol­let, .paris; Nii Quay­n­or, .afri­ca; Wer­ner Staub, CORE; Tom Lowen­haupt, .nyc; Dirk Kri­schenow­ski, .ber­lin

Podi­ums­dis­kus­si­on mit Nutzergruppen

Auf dem Podi­um waren neben uns die Ver­tre­ter der Inter­es­sen ver­schie­de­ner Nut­zer­grup­pen ver­tre­ten. Der eco sprach dabei für die Inter­net­wirt­schaft und stell­te auf dem IGF Details der Stu­die vor. Anfang August hat­te er sie unter den Inter­net­nut­zern der größ­ten deut­schen Städ­te durch­ge­führt. Ange­sichts der Ergeb­nis­se rich­te­te Dean Ceu­lic vom eco den Appell an ICANN, kurz­fris­tig mit der Ein­füh­rung von GeoTLDs zu begin­nen. Annet­te Mühl­berg vom At Lar­ge Advi­so­ry Com­mit­tee bei ICANN (ALAC) ver­tritt die Inter­es­sen der Zivil­ge­sell­schaft und der indi­vi­du­el­len Nut­zer. Sie hat­te ein schrift­li­ches State­ment geschickt, das Wolf­gang Klein­wäch­ter vor­trug. Dar­in for­der­te auch Mühl­berg eine bal­di­ge Umset­zung von GeoTLDs. „In the light of the aim of ICANN to make the use of the DNS more user fri­end­ly, espe­ci­al­ly with respect to local needs, we app­re­cia­te initia­ti­ves for more loca­li­sed top level domains – the more the better!”

Der Rede­bei­trag von .ber­lin

„Ladies and Gentlemen!

My name is Dirk Kri­schenow­ski and I come from Ber­lin in the Land of Ide­as. In my speech today I will focus on a par­ti­cu­lar aspect of cityTLDs which might chan­ge the way we see cities, at least digi­tal­ly, in the future. But let’s warm up with some basic information.

The world goes city!

Kofi Annan men­tio­ned in 2004 that alre­a­dy half of the world’s popu­la­ti­on is living in cities; by 2030 2/3 will live in cities. This fast urba­niza­ti­on is a chall­enge for the deve­lo­p­ment of the infor­ma­ti­on socie­ty and for city govern­ments and local admi­nis­tra­ti­ons as well.

Within this realm the deve­lo­p­ment of name­spaces for cities is a logi­cal consequence.

.ber­lin, the future name­space for Ber­lin and Ber­li­ners, is a pro­ject which has evol­ved to an initia­ti­ve which is today based on the sup­port of thou­sands of com­mu­ni­ty mem­bers. They all do their part to bring .ber­lin to life.

When we star­ted with .ber­lin we aimed to crea­te local domain names to satis­fy a demand from the Ber­lin com­mu­ni­ty. Espe­ci­al­ly the Ber­lin based SMEs are the eco­no­mic basis for the .ber­lin top-level domain.

Soon we rea­li­sed that .ber­lin domain names will lead to a more intui­ti­ve and easier way. By this admi­nis­tra­ti­on, busi­nesses and citi­zens will com­mu­ni­ca­te in the future.

After visi­ting some city con­fe­ren­ces and rea­ding some lite­ra­tu­re on the sub­ject, we rea­li­sed that a cityTLD has fur­ther dimen­si­ons bey­ond the crea­ti­on of a local eco­no­mic value chain for the Ber­lin community.

The key­word for city mar­ket­ers is “Place Bran­ding”. When tal­king with them, many rea­li­sed imme­dia­te­ly the poten­ti­al a cityTLD will have for their city and its com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on in the world.

Cities today have the need to find a “uni­que desti­na­ti­on pro­po­si­ti­on” to com­pe­te with other cities, regi­ons and even nati­ons. “CityTLDs per­fect­ly fit into this pat­tern of crea­ting uni­que­ness for a city” was the con­clu­si­on the city offi­ci­als made.

Just ima­gi­ne bil­li­ons of cont­acts annu­al­ly a cityTLD crea­tes for the city name when peo­p­le using it for email and web­sites. By this CityTLDs per­fect­ly fit into modern image and bran­ding cam­paigns for cities.

But CityTLDs are also a powerful tool for the city’s inter­nal mar­ke­ting to admi­nis­tra­ti­on, busi­nesses and the citi­zens. This should not be underestimated.

The chall­enge for us in terms of “Place Bran­ding” is, to deli­ver to the respon­si­ble city markt­ing orga­ni­sa­ti­ons con­cepts and ide­as how the cityTLD and domain names like “I love dot ber­lin” or “visit dot ber­lin” crea­te maxi­mum bran­ding value for the city and its citizens.

Say­ing this I would like to come back to what we do here in Rio:

At the IGF the .ber­lin initia­ti­ve has 2 aims:

First – As the spear­head and front­run­ner for cityTLDs we would like to dis­cuss the bene­fits cityTLDs will bring to the infor­ma­ti­on socie­ty in deve­lo­ped and deve­lo­ping socie­ties. And we would like to share our expe­ri­en­ces with the IGF par­ti­ci­pan­ts and emer­ging cityTLD initiatives.

Our second aim is to sus­tain the future pri­va­te sec­tor manage­ment of the top-level domain space on a local and glo­bal basis. The pri­va­te sec­tor manage­ment has shown to be very effec­ti­ve and bene­fi­ci­al to the deve­lo­p­ment of the infor­ma­ti­on socie­ty local­ly and glo­bal­ly. The Ger­man .de and the .uk TLD are very good examp­les for this. We aim to fol­low this approach.

Thank you very much for your attention!”