Back­ground: The Internet’s ICANN may add in its sole dis­cre­ti­on new top-level domains into its cen­tral Root Ser­ver TLD data­ba­se short­ly. By this domain names like, and will beco­me available. For this reason we are see­king ade­qua­te employees that com­ple­ment the dot­BER­LIN team with excep­tio­nal know­ledge, expe­ri­ence, back­ground and atti­tu­de. For the very nea­rest future we are loo­king to fill the fol­lo­wing posi­ti­ons conscientiously:


IP Super­vi­sor (m/f)

You are able to map and trace any domain name in mil­li­se­conds with its cor­re­spon­ding IPv6 address by your pho­to­gra­phic memo­ry and intui­ti­ve allo­ca­ti­on know­ledge; even under excep­tio­nal cir­cum­s­tances and at shif­ting time zones? You track the traf­fic on the Inter­net sin­ce your time at Kin­der­gar­ten? If yes, your main tasks at dot­BER­LIN are track­ing all .ber­lin domain requests, the defen­se of the hier­ar­chy, nomen­cla­tu­re and cohe­rence of any kind of IP addres­ses for the secu­ri­ty of our com­pa­ny. You will be also the key mas­ter of our domain safe, expe­ri­ence in mana­ging domain tools is essen­ti­al. The super­vi­si­on of the 1,5‑charcters rule and its excep­ti­ons is also part of your tasks. Pre­vious job expe­ri­ence at IANA, Ripe, TCP/IP or the ftp-http con­sor­ti­um is app­re­cia­ted, but not mandatory.


Advi­sor to the CEO (m/f)

Do you love the Inter­net and domain names especially?

Yes, then you are right with us, sin­ce you will be respon­si­ble for advi­sing our CEO on ope­ra­tio­nal excel­lence, stra­te­gic fore­sight on the future of the inter­pla­ne­ta­ry inter­net, and the indi­vi­du­al per­for­mance during .ber­lin spea­k­er slots world­wi­de. This encom­pas­ses many respon­si­bi­li­ties inclu­ding scan­ning of the latest pre­sen­ta­ti­on tech­no­lo­gies, fol­lo­wing twit­ter every second (86400x7x365) on latest inter­net tech­no­lo­gies, deve­lo­ping orga­ni­sa­tio­nal flow charts and report­ing sche­mes, and the over­all well-being of our CEO. Pre­vious job expe­ri­ence with Deut­sche Tele­kom, BT (Bri­tish Tele­com) and Tele­kom Ita­lia is app­re­cia­ted, but not mandatory.



Sala­ry for the jobs men­tio­ned abo­ve is abo­ve the ICANN indus­try avera­ge. Extra provisions/bonuses and hand money will round up you bene­fits as well as relo­ca­ti­on sup­port, 5 dot­BER­LIN but­tons per year and lots of tech­ni­cal bene­fits such as free WLAN, latest iGad­gets and a scooter.


Job bene­fits and requirements

For all jobs offe­red you can expect an extra­or­di­na­ry likeable team with long term expe­ri­ence, endu­rance and pas­si­on in deve­lo­ping new top-level domain con­cepts. Your work cen­ter will be in our Wil­hel­mi­ni­an style office in the cen­tral­ly loca­ted borough of Ber­lin Schö­ne­berg (trans­la­ted: beau­tiful moun­tain) with in-house access to one of the oldest bars in Ber­lin, the Fel­sen­kel­ler (trans­la­ted: stone cel­lar); pre­fe­ren­ti­al access to the bar’s com­mu­ni­ty is included in the bene­fits. The Felsenkeller’s long-stan­ding com­mu­ni­ty also acts as inde­pen­dent clea­ring­house for decis­i­on making.

Exten­si­ve tra­vel for dot­BER­LIN will bring you to some of the most beau­tiful places on earth but also to unbe­lie­va­ble air­port night­ma­res. The­r­e­fo­re we expect for all jobs offe­red robust health of the appli­cant inclu­ding accu­ra­te vac­ci­na­ti­on (e.g. rabies, yel­low fever, menin­gi­tis, flu, DTP, MMR and other mali­cious viru­s­es), no fear of fly­ing and the abili­ty to sleep at the air­port for up to seven nights a year. Resi­li­ence to tem­pe­ra­tu­re as well as to ver­ti­cal sepa­ra­ti­on or inte­gra­ti­on sce­na­ri­os as well as score­card know-how is mandatory.

We would app­re­cia­te if you are inte­res­ted and expect your CV sent to Kat­rin Ohl­mer (kat­rin at dot­ber­lin dot de)


About dot­BER­LIN

dot­BER­LIN, foun­ded in 2005, is a bot­tom-up com­mu­ni­ty-based orga­niza­ti­on which with the aim to estab­lish and ope­ra­te the .ber­lin top-level domain as name space and iden­ti­ty for all Ber­li­ners. Our focus is to deve­lop .ber­lin respon­si­ble and sus­tain­ab­ly within a mul­ti-stake­hol­der frame­work inclu­ding govern­ment, pri­va­te sec­tor and civil socie­ty. Our visi­on is that the new local .ber­lin domain names are con­cise and crea­te an iden­ti­ty for citi­zens, com­pa­nies and insti­tu­ti­ons. Tho­se pro­vi­ding and loo­king for infor­ma­ti­on, goods and ser­vices can thus intui­tively come tog­e­ther. The .ber­lin domain names will streng­then the fee­ling of com­mu­ni­ty among­st Ber­li­ners, impro­ve com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and make inter­ac­tion easier, thus pro­vi­ding a sti­mu­lus for inno­va­ti­on and deve­lo­p­ment. Both for Ber­li­ners and for non-Ber­li­ners, the places cal­led Ber­lin beco­me more attrac­ti­ve as a place to visit, as a com­mer­cial loca­ti­on and as a place to live.