AGENDA – ICANN Open Mor­ning – Round­ta­ble Dis­cus­sion & Lunch
10:00 – 14:00, Fri­day, 16 Febru­ary 2007
Venue:  Scot­land House, (8th flo­or) 6 rond point Schu­man, Bt. 5, Brussels 1040
10:00 – 12:30  Pre­sen­ta­ti­ons and Round­ta­ble Discussion

Wel­co­me and Intro­duc­tion

ICANN intro­duc­tion; key items for Euro­pe on the ICANN Lis­bon mee­ting agen­da (26–30 March 2007).

~ Deni­se Michel, Vice Pre­si­dent, Poli­cy Deve­lo­p­ment, ICANN 

Over­view of ICANN

ICANN’s mis­si­on, struc­tu­re, and acti­vi­ties; why ICANN is important to the Internet’s users and suppliers. 

~ Mou­ham­met Diop, CEO,, Sene­gal, and for­mer mem­ber of ICANN’s Board of Directors

Intro­duc­tion of New Top Level Domains

ICANN is crea­ting a pro­cess for intro­du­cing new gene­ric top level domain names (gTLDs) (e.g. .info, .tra­vel) and is see­king input to help ensu­re the pro­cess meets the glo­bal Inter­net com­mu­ni­ties’ needs. 

~ Liz Wil­liams, Seni­or Poli­cy Coun­se­lor, ICANN

Inter­na­tio­na­li­sed Domain Names (IDN)

ICANN is addres­sing a myri­ad of issues invol­ved in the intro­duc­tion of domain names in dif­fe­rent scripts and languages. 

~ Wer­ner Staub, Secre­ta­ri­at of Coun­cil of Regis­trars (CORE), and mem­ber of the GNSO IDN Working Group 

Pos­si­ble Chan­ges in the Whois Data­ba­se

ICANN is con­side­ring pro­po­sals for a new poli­cy on the use of cont­act data in the Whois sys­tem, which pro­vi­des public access to data on regis­tered domain names. 

~  Maria Far­rell, GNSO Poli­cy Offi­cer, ICANN

Euro­pean Stake­hol­ders’ Invol­vement in ICANN

ICANN bene­fits from the invol­vement and lea­der­ship of Europe’s busi­ness, Inter­net pro­vi­der and user com­mu­ni­ties and govern­men­tal orga­niza­ti­ons; more par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and lea­der­ship oppor­tu­ni­ties are available 

~ Grant For­syth, Head of Glo­bal Inter­con­nec­tion, Com­mer­cial, Legal & Regu­la­to­ry , BT Glo­bal Services

~ Gio­van­ni Sep­pia, Regio­nal Liai­son, Euro­pe, ICANN

Ques­ti­ons & Ans­wers – Round Table Discussion

Anne Rachel Inné, Regio­nal Liai­son, Afri­ca, ICANN

12:30 – 14:00

Net­wor­king Lunch hos­ted by ICANN