Auf dem hochkarätig besetzten EGENI Meeting in Paris im Vorfeld des ICANN Meetings sind wir eingeladen .berlin zu präsentieren.
Auf dem Meeting werden die Einflußmöglichkeiten verschiedener Interessengruppen auf die Internetverwaltung diskutiert, mit auf dem Panel und im Publikum sind u.a.:
Catherine TRAUTMANN – Parlement Européen
Marcus KUMMER – Secretary General United Nations IGF
Janis KARKLINS – Président du ICANN GAC (Estonia Government)
Bertrand de la CHAPELLE – MAE (French Government)
Roberto GAETANO – ICANN Board
Neben uns sind u.a. noch die Initiativen .paris, .nyc, .quebec, .sport, .med, .naa zu kurzen Stellungnahmen aufgefordert. Mein Redebeitrag ist der folgende, der vor Publikum sehr gut aufgenommen wurde:
„Thank you Sebastien for inviting the new Top-Level-Domain initiatives for such a high level meeting today. I am not going to give an overview on the .berlin (dotBERLIN) project, this can be found on our website. I would rather like to give a short insight into our work.
Our daily dotberlin business is really missionary. We explain every day to the Berliners:
- who is the „windsurfer” who created all the stuff,
- what and where is ICANN,
- is a .berlin Top-Level-Domain even possible,
- and we prevent large crowds of Berliners from entering our office in the hope to get a hot .berlin domain name first.
Beyond this bread and butter business we are also working on an academic and political level, a level which evaluates what cityTLDs like .berlin (dotBERLIN) or .paris (dotparis) will mean in terms of place branding and public diplomacy.
We are working together with various players in this area. People from embassies, universities, branding agencies and political communication and public affairs along with us discuss the chances and challenges cityTLDs will have.
The main thesis is that a cityTLD can benefit the city a lot, if integrated properly into its communication strategy. A cityTLD may also shape the digital face of a city like no other communication tool before.
I hope this will be a starting point for interesting outcomes and a long-term academic observation and research in the area of geographical and geopolitical Top-Level-Domains. This would lift the GeoTLDs into a higher stage of consciousness in the mind of politicians and city planners.
The topic of place branding and public diplomacy is only one out of many facets cityTLDs have. But this topic is integral part of the take home messages I have for you today. If somebody asks you „What are the most important benefits of a cityTLD” you should answer:
- 1. cityTLDs will create a million $ value chain within the local city economy, from IT via the creative industry to SMEs,
- 2. cityTLDs are perfect for creating a unique selling proposition for the city in a global competition of places,
- 3. and cityTLDs offer identity and new namespace for each citizen.
Thank you for you attention!”