Inspi­red by the 2008 pre­dic­tions ICANN expert Bret Fau­sett published in this blog for the near-time future at ICANN I would like to add the things the cris­tall ball show­ed me at Christ­mas time when visi­ting a for­tu­ne teller’s office in a small alley in Zurich’s Old Town. The­re might be hap­pi­ness and the­re might be fear in this view but always a grain of thruth:

  • Within a deca­de ICANN will beco­me the world’s second most influ­en­ti­al orga­ni­sa­ti­on, can­ni­ba­li­sing ITU and IGF.
  • TLDs will beco­me one of the grea­test long tail sto­ries man­kind has seen so far, offe­ring choice and diver­si­ty for the iden­ti­ty of over a bil­li­on domain owners.
  • ICANN’s bud­get will grow to over US$ 1 Bil­li­on inclu­ding con­tri­bu­ti­ons from all major countries.
  • The­re will be only one direc­tor from the US in the board in 2015.
  • ICANN will main­tain offices in more than 17 count­ries, inclu­ding Bejing, Accra, Riad and Rio.
  • Unsu­re how many ICANN mee­tings per year the­re will be, but they will have more than 3.000 participants.
  • .com will remain most important TLD mar­ke­ting its­elf as „.com unites the world” and run­ning an ODPP (one domain per per­son) pro­gram to sup­port deve­lo­ping countries.
  • Vint Cerf will wri­te an auto­bio­gra­phy reve­al­ing all the secrets of ICANN and Google.