Als Sprecher der zukünftigen Vertretung der Stadt-Top-Level-Domains habe ich heute bei ICANN die künftige City-Top-Level-Domain Constituency (CTLDC) vor großem Publikum vorgestellt.
Die CTLDC hat hier auf dem ICANN-Meeting in Mexico bereits logistische Unterstützung erhalten: Raum, Präsentationstechnik und offizielle Einladungen zu sonst geschlossenen Arbeitskreisen.
Unsere Vorstellung fand große Zustimmung und es waren noch zahlreiche Fragen zu beantworten. Die CTLDC vertritt:
Stadt Barcelona für .bcn
dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG für .berlin
dotHamburg e.V. für .hamburg
- DOTNYC LLC für .nyc
- Inc für .nyc
- Stadt Paris für .paris
Gesprochender Text:
Dear GNSO Council, dear Avri, thank you very much for giving us the opportunity to present the future city top-level domain constituency at a broader audience here in Mexico and at ICANN. My name is Dirk Krischenowski, and I am founder and CEO of dot Berlin, the top-level domain initiative for Berlin string. I am acting here as a spokesperson of the future city top-level domain constituency and their interest group, which is present here in the Mexico meeting. The city top-level domain constituency are people who are well-known to the ICANN community and have been involved partly for over a decade in top-level domains top-level domains, even before ICANN was founded. For me, this can the 12th ICANN meeting in a row. Who are we is clearly visible on the next slide. It’s a city top-level domain initiatives for Barcelona, Berlin, hamburg, New York and Paris. All our members are present here at the ICANN meeting in Mexico, and we say you are welcome to exchange with us and contact us. We would love to exchange with you. Each of our representatives – we are representatives of a multi-faceted and multistakeholder interests which range, in the cases of city top-level domains, from governments and city authorities to businesses, individual users, and the general public interest. Our future members – next slide – will also incorporate approved city top-level domain operators as well as prospective candidates. More of these candidates you can here see on the slide from Boston to Tokyo, I call them. So city top-level domain constituency will be also open to those whose interests are in city top-level domain topics. We are here because city identity matters. It’s one of the oldest, strongest, and most populous ways of man kind’s identity and branding. Today, cities contain over 50% of the world’s population and cities are global drivers of innovation, progress, as well as centers of social, economic, and political powers. City top-level domain will transform the digital face and digital identity of cities enduringly and in a sustainable manner. City top-level domains will also be a visible milestone of the development of the Domain Name System. We are aware of this responsibility, and, therefore, promote international cooperation, networking, knowledge sharing among members, stakeholders, and with ICANN. What do we want? We claim to be the advocate of city top-level domain stakeholders and their interest in the ICANN framework. Each of us is aiming to become a contracted party within ICANN, and our city top-level domain interest group plans to apply as constituency within the future registry stakeholder group. Since our members are not yet contracted parties, we seek, in consultation with ICANN staff and the registry constituency, a contractual solution on this intermediate status. With the city top-level domain constituency, the ICANN community will benefit from the broadened representation of important global, but also hyper-local players, the cities. The inclusion of the city top-level domain constituency will be also a helpful link to local governments, authorities, and economies. We are happy that ICANN has already defined geo names including city top-level domains as a category within the draft applicant guidebook. This is a very good way to cope with the requirements of city top-level domains which will be operated in the public interest and with support or non-objection of the relevant government and authorities. Thank you very much.