Als Spre­cher der zukünf­ti­gen Ver­tre­tung der Stadt-Top-Level-Domains habe ich heu­te bei ICANN die künf­ti­ge City-Top-Level-Domain Con­sti­tuen­cy (CTLDC) vor gro­ßem Publi­kum vorgestellt.

Die CTLDC hat hier auf dem ICANN-Mee­ting in Mexi­co bereits logis­ti­sche Unter­stüt­zung erhal­ten: Raum, Prä­sen­ta­ti­ons­tech­nik und offi­zi­el­le Ein­la­dun­gen zu sonst geschlos­se­nen Arbeitskreisen.

Unse­re Vor­stel­lung fand gro­ße Zustim­mung und es waren noch zahl­rei­che Fra­gen zu beant­wor­ten. Die CTLDC vertritt:

  • Stadt Bar­ce­lo­na für .bcn
  • dot­BER­LIN GmbH & Co. KG für .ber­lin
  • dot­Ham­burg e.V. für .ham­burg
  • DOTNYC LLC für .nyc
  • Inc für .nyc
  • Stadt Paris für .paris

Gespro­chen­der Text:
Dear GNSO Coun­cil, dear Avri, thank you very much for giving us the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­sent the future city top-level domain con­sti­tuen­cy at a broa­der audi­ence here in Mexi­co and at ICANN. My name is Dirk Kri­schenow­ski, and I am foun­der and CEO of dot Ber­lin, the top-level domain initia­ti­ve for Ber­lin string. I am acting here as a spo­kesper­son of the future city top-level domain con­sti­tuen­cy and their inte­rest group, which is pre­sent here in the Mexi­co mee­ting. The city top-level domain con­sti­tuen­cy are peo­p­le who are well-known to the ICANN com­mu­ni­ty and have been invol­ved part­ly for over a deca­de in top-level domains top-level domains, even befo­re ICANN was foun­ded. For me, this can the 12th ICANN mee­ting in a row. Who are we is cle­ar­ly visi­ble on the next slide. It’s a city top-level domain initia­ti­ves for Bar­ce­lo­na, Ber­lin, ham­burg, New York and Paris. All our mem­bers are pre­sent here at the ICANN mee­ting in Mexi­co, and we say you are wel­co­me to exch­an­ge with us and cont­act us. We would love to exch­an­ge with you. Each of our repre­sen­ta­ti­ves – we are repre­sen­ta­ti­ves of a mul­ti-face­ted and mul­tistake­hol­der inte­rests which ran­ge, in the cases of city top-level domains, from govern­ments and city aut­ho­ri­ties to busi­nesses, indi­vi­du­al users, and the gene­ral public inte­rest. Our future mem­bers – next slide – will also incor­po­ra­te appro­ved city top-level domain ope­ra­tors as well as pro­s­pec­ti­ve can­di­da­tes. More of the­se can­di­da­tes you can here see on the slide from Bos­ton to Tokyo, I call them. So city top-level domain con­sti­tuen­cy will be also open to tho­se who­se inte­rests are in city top-level domain topics. We are here becau­se city iden­ti­ty mat­ters. It’s one of the oldest, stron­gest, and most popu­lous ways of man kind’s iden­ti­ty and bran­ding. Today, cities con­tain over 50% of the world’s popu­la­ti­on and cities are glo­bal dri­vers of inno­va­ti­on, pro­gress, as well as cen­ters of social, eco­no­mic, and poli­ti­cal powers. City top-level domain will trans­form the digi­tal face and digi­tal iden­ti­ty of cities endu­rin­gly and in a sus­tainable man­ner. City top-level domains will also be a visi­ble mile­stone of the deve­lo­p­ment of the Domain Name Sys­tem. We are awa­re of this respon­si­bi­li­ty, and, the­r­e­fo­re, pro­mo­te inter­na­tio­nal coope­ra­ti­on, net­wor­king, know­ledge sha­ring among mem­bers, stake­hol­ders, and with ICANN. What do we want? We cla­im to be the advo­ca­te of city top-level domain stake­hol­ders and their inte­rest in the ICANN frame­work. Each of us is aiming to beco­me a con­trac­ted par­ty within ICANN, and our city top-level domain inte­rest group plans to app­ly as con­sti­tuen­cy within the future regis­try stake­hol­der group. Sin­ce our mem­bers are not yet con­trac­ted par­ties, we seek, in con­sul­ta­ti­on with ICANN staff and the regis­try con­sti­tuen­cy, a con­trac­tu­al solu­ti­on on this inter­me­dia­te sta­tus. With the city top-level domain con­sti­tuen­cy, the ICANN com­mu­ni­ty will bene­fit from the broa­den­ed repre­sen­ta­ti­on of important glo­bal, but also hyper-local play­ers, the cities. The inclu­si­on of the city top-level domain con­sti­tuen­cy will be also a hel­pful link to local govern­ments, aut­ho­ri­ties, and eco­no­mies. We are hap­py that ICANN has alre­a­dy defi­ned geo names inclu­ding city top-level domains as a cate­go­ry within the draft appli­cant gui­de­book. This is a very good way to cope with the requi­re­ments of city top-level domains which will be ope­ra­ted in the public inte­rest and with sup­port or non-objec­tion of the rele­vant govern­ment and aut­ho­ri­ties. Thank you very much.