Veni Mar­kov­ski,

East or west, Club Cola vs. Coca Cola

Mauerfall 1989 Veni Markovski8 days befo­re the fall of the wall, I was stay­ing at the Bul­ga­ri­an Embas­sy hotel at Check­point Char­lie in East Ber­lin. While stay­ing in East Ber­lin, I was spen­ding my time every day in West Ber­lin – which was the only Wes­tern part of Euro­pe the Bul­ga­ri­ans could visit wit­hout a visa.Mauerfall 1989 Veni Markovski
Late one night, I felt thirsty, and deci­ded to cross one more time (fourth for the day) to buy Coke at the litt­le kiosk across the bor­der. The bor­der poli­ce offi­cer asked me quite agi­ta­ted why I wan­ted to go to West Ber­lin for the fourth time that day. I told him I wan­ted to drink a Cola, to which he ans­we­red sus­pi­cious­ly, “But, we also have Cola!”
I respon­ded that I agree with him, but they (East Ger­ma­ny) have Club Cola, while I’d pre­fer Coca Cola, and second­ly, even more important­ly, at 11 p.m. the stores in East Ber­lin were clo­sed. Unhap­py, the poli­ce­man let me go, and few minu­tes later I crossed the bor­der back to East Ber­lin hap­pi­ly car­ry­ing my Coca Cola. I often won­de­red what this poli­ce offi­cer was fee­ling 8 days later, when the wall was taken down. During my visit to West Ber­lin, the fol­lo­wing pic­tures have been taken.

Mauerfall 1989 Veni Markovski
Mauerfall 1989 Veni Markovski
Mauerfall 1989 Veni Markovski
Mauerfall 1989 Veni Markovski

Alle Mau­er­falls­to­ries