Beim European Dialog zu Internet Governance in Belgrad (EURODIG) in Belgrad fand wie ein Workshop „The example of new gTLDs: opportunities and risks for European stakeholders” statt. In dem hochkarätigen u.a. mit Regierungsvertretern und ICANN-Direktoren besetzten Panel wurde dotBERLIN wiederholt als das Beispiel, wie man eine Community-basierte Top-Level-Domain plant, genannt.
ICANN-Direktorin Erika Mann sagte dabei zu unserer .berlin TLD:
No, I’m not applying. I’m not in conflict with my role. But because you mentioned the dot Berlin, because dot Berlin is an an interesting example, actually. Because what dot Berlin, unfortunately nobody is here, but what they are doing is it’s an interesting model because they actually traveled the world to the various cities which are actually around the globe which are called Berlin. Now, I don’t know if they traveled to all of them, but they traveled actually to many, to understand if they would be happy and to build a Berlin community. That’s their idea, actually. So they will have a dot Berlin and then the various cities which would like to be grouped under this top level domain name, they can do so. Now, I like this idea because it shows something interesting, that there is not even between the big cities there is not an understanding about unified model. Because we have other cities – and I’m not going to name them, which really want to have their city name which would be their city name. So it will be one single city. And I think I like this because why shouldn’t there be, you know, competition even on such kind of models? Because the community is a very broad definition. It can be a community of, you know, citizens of one city; but on the other side, it could be like the dot Berlin model. Sorry, I’m not dot Berlin.