Um eine Top-Level-Domain zugelassen zu bekommen, muss (!) man an zahlreichen ICANN-Meetings teilgenommen haben, wie z.B. am nächsten in Neu Delhi.
Welche Kosten ICANN selbst für seine Mitarbeiter kalkuliert, kann man folgendem Posting entnehmen:
„India Travel – It is estimated that airfare for 21 Council members for this meeting would be US$147,000. Cost for hotel/per diem for 21 Council members for this meeting would be US$205,800.”
„Doing the math: $352,800 for 21 people to attend an ICANN session for six days – that’s $16,800 per person to attend an ICANN function. Another way of looking at it, $7000 per person for airfare and $9,800
per person for lodging for six days.”