Um eine Top-Level-Domain zuge­las­sen zu bekom­men, muss (!) man an zahl­rei­chen ICANN-Mee­tings teil­ge­nom­men haben, wie z.B. am nächs­ten in Neu Delhi.

Wel­che Kos­ten ICANN selbst für sei­ne Mit­ar­bei­ter kal­ku­liert, kann man fol­gen­dem Pos­ting entnehmen:

„India Tra­vel – It is esti­ma­ted that air­fa­re for 21 Coun­cil mem­bers for this mee­ting would be US$147,000. Cost for hotel/per diem for 21 Coun­cil mem­bers for this mee­ting would be US$205,800.”

„Doing the math: $352,800 for 21 peo­p­le to attend an ICANN ses­si­on for six days – that’s $16,800 per per­son to attend an ICANN func­tion. Ano­ther way of loo­king at it, $7000 per per­son for air­fa­re and $9,800
per per­son for lodging for six days.”