Colo­gne, 20.06.2007 – Yes­ter­day, at the cere­mo­ni­al awards for the eco Inter­net Awards, dot­BER­LIN GmbH & Co. KG won the spe­cial award for the Ger­ma­ny Inter­net indus­try. dot­BER­LIN aims to crea­te a new domain ending .ber­lin (a top-level domain), which will result in a local iden­ti­ty for Ber­li­ners in the Inter­net, pro­vi­ding an alter­na­ti­ve to addres­ses such as .de and .com. .ber­lin has beco­me a trail­bla­zer, set­ting a trend which has sin­ce been fol­lo­wed by other lar­ge cities such as New York and Paris. The annu­al eco Inter­net Award is given to com­pa­nies, with a pro­duct or a pro­ject, which makes an important con­tri­bu­ti­on to the Ger­man Inter­net indus­try. Last year’s win­ner was openBC.

„We are very plea­sed about this reco­gni­ti­on for our plan to bring some inno­va­ti­on into the Inter­net name­space”, said Dirk Kri­schenow­ski, foun­der and gene­ral mana­ger of dot­BER­LIN, in the evening in Colo­gne. „The eco Inter­net Award will defi­ni­te­ly help us to achie­ve our aim of being able to regis­ter .ber­lin domains from the end of 2008.”

„The intro­duc­tion of .ber­lin is only con­sis­tent”, said Harald Sum­ma, gene­ral mana­ger of the eco asso­cia­ti­on, in his speech. „We have known for quite some time now, that the prin­ci­ple ‚busi­ness is local’ appli­es in the world­wi­de Inter­net and that local offe­rings are con­stant­ly incre­asing. This means that .ber­lin is ano­ther step in the right direc­tion and a signal for a grea­ter local iden­ti­ty in the world­wi­de net­work. For this, we wish the initia­tors cou­ra­ge, endu­rance and the abili­ty to get things done.”

Almost 200 com­pa­nies has appli­ed for awards in the various cate­go­ries. The pri­ze is award­ed by the Asso­cia­ti­on of the Ger­man Inter­net Indus­try eco.