
Mit ICANN’s neu­em CEO Rod Beck­stom hat­ten wir bereits auf dem ICANN Mee­ting in Syd­ney über .ber­lin gespro­chen. Nun hat er sich bei uns mit einer per­sön­li­chen Nach­richt für unse­re akti­ve Rol­le bei der Ent­wick­lung neu­er Top-Level-Domains bedankt. Hier die Originalnachricht:

Dear Dirk,

Thank you for your thoughtful comm­ents regar­ding the intro­duc­tion of new gene­ric top-level domain names into the mar­ket place.

We are con­side­ring your comm­ents, along the many others we have recei­ved, in the con­text of the deve­lo­p­ment of the next ver­si­on of the Draft Appli­cant Gui­de­book, pre­pa­ra­ti­ons for which are advan­cing and is sche­du­led to be published pri­or to the ICANN mee­ting in Seoul.

As you will app­re­cia­te, the New gTLD Pro­gram is a signi­fi­cant under­ta­king and we are pro­gres­sing step by step to ensu­re that all the sec­tors in the com­mu­ni­ty are pro­vi­ded an oppor­tu­ni­ty to con­tri­bu­te. Also, all poten­ti­al issues are unders­tood and resol­ved befo­re laun­ching what will sure­ly be a sub­stan­ti­al shift in the domain name system.

While we still have work ahead of us, we are con­fi­dent that with your and the Inter­net community’s con­ti­nuing par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on, the New gTLD Pro­gram will be laun­ched in a man­ner that enhan­ces com­pe­ti­ti­on and choice for Inter­net users, broa­dens regio­nal par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on through the intro­duc­tion of IDNs and com­mu­ni­ty based TLDs, and pro­tects the rights and inte­rests of all.

Again, thank you for your par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the pro­cess and if you have any fur­ther ques­ti­ons regar­ding the intro­duc­tion of new gTLDs, plea­se send the­se to

Yours sin­ce­re­ly,


Rod Beck­strom
Pre­si­dent & CEO