BildBeim Euro­pean Dia­log zu Inter­net Gover­nan­ce in Bel­grad (EURODIG) in Bel­grad fand wie ein Work­shop „The exam­p­le of new gTLDs: oppor­tu­ni­ties and risks for Euro­pean stake­hol­ders” statt. In dem hoch­ka­rä­ti­gen u.a. mit Regie­rungs­ver­tre­tern und ICANN-Direk­to­ren besetz­ten Panel wur­de dot­BER­LIN wie­der­holt als das Bei­spiel, wie man eine Com­mu­ni­ty-basier­te Top-Level-Domain plant, genannt.

ICANN-Direk­to­rin Eri­ka Mann sag­te dabei zu unse­rer .ber­lin TLD:

No, I’m not app­ly­ing. I’m not in con­flict with my role. But becau­se you men­tio­ned the dot Ber­lin, becau­se dot Ber­lin is an an inte­res­t­ing exam­p­le, actual­ly. Becau­se what dot Ber­lin, unfort­u­na­te­ly nobo­dy is here, but what they are doing is it’s an inte­res­t­ing model becau­se they actual­ly tra­ve­led the world to the various cities which are actual­ly around the glo­be which are cal­led Ber­lin. Now, I don’t know if they tra­ve­led to all of them, but they tra­ve­led actual­ly to many, to under­stand if they would be hap­py and to build a Ber­lin com­mu­ni­ty. That’s their idea, actual­ly. So they will have a dot Ber­lin and then the various cities which would like to be grou­ped under this top level domain name, they can do so. Now, I like this idea becau­se it shows some­thing inte­res­t­ing, that the­re is not even bet­ween the big cities the­re is not an under­stan­ding about uni­fied model. Becau­se we have other cities – and I’m not going to name them, which real­ly want to have their city name which would be their city name. So it will be one sin­gle city. And I think I like this becau­se why should­n’t the­re be, you know, com­pe­ti­ti­on even on such kind of models? Becau­se the com­mu­ni­ty is a very broad defi­ni­ti­on. It can be a com­mu­ni­ty of, you know, citi­zens of one city; but on the other side, it could be like the dot Ber­lin model. Sor­ry, I’m not dot Berlin.