Sin­ce march 2014 – thx to ICANN and the com­mu­ni­ty – we proud­ly pre­sent the pos­si­bi­li­ty for ever­yo­ne to regis­ter a .ber­lin-domain. Sin­ce we are an digi­tal com­pa­ny, we need someone to mana­ge our wifi cables. For this reason we are see­king an ade­qua­te col­le­ague who com­ple­ments the dot­BER­LIN team with excep­tio­nal know­ledge, expe­ri­ence, back­ground and atti­tu­de. For the very nea­rest future we are loo­king to fill the fol­lo­wing posi­ti­on conscientiously:


Has Inter­net blood been flowing in your veins sin­ce birth and you’ve work­ed IT won­ders from the very first key­stro­ke? Do you work well with the­se wild and hard-to-mana­ge wifi cables? Then you are the per­son to beco­me our company’s visio­na­ry wifi cable tamer. 

One of your tasks is to ensu­re that we can spread the visi­on of .ber­lin in the user’s com­mu­ni­ty, with machi­nes, in the over 400 mega­ci­ties world­wi­de and at the outer rim of the Internet’s uni­ver­se, by mana­ging our wifi con­nec­tion via cables. In your ten-year mis­si­on you will explo­re stran­ge new domains, which might not fit through the­se cables all the time. You’ll be the man of the game when it comes to pushing long domains through the inter­net cables of our office.

Pre­vious job expe­ri­ence at ICANN, Goog­le, Cable Clut­ter GmbH or in the ether­net lan cable sec­tion of Walm­art is app­re­cia­ted, but not mandatory.

Your Sala­ry

Your sala­ry will be some­whe­re bet­ween 7000 and 200000 Euro p.a. depen­ding on how many cables you will mana­ge at the same time. If they harm you in any way – like serious wifi cable bites – we will add some hel­lo kit­ty band-aids as a bonus. 

What to expect? 

You will be sup­port­ed by a very expe­ri­en­ced team and we will move your chair to an espe­ci­al­ly quiet loca­ti­on in our base­ment, no win­dows, no fresh air. Nevert­hel­ess we can be real­ly fun at times. Exten­si­ve tra­vel for dot­BER­LIN will bring you to some of the most beau­tiful places on earth but also to unbe­lie­va­ble air­port night­ma­res. And to some bars and restau­rants and ice cream stores… and we do exch­an­ge recipes for coo­kies, roasts, salads and…ehm, nevermind!

What we expect?

Sin­ce we regu­lar­ly attend ICANN mee­tings, you will have to fol­low us on our world­wi­de trips, ensu­ring a per­fect wifi con­nec­tion, going by pla­ne, hor­se, ship or being in the midd­le of a hur­ri­ca­ne. You’ll be in char­ge of main­tai­ning and car­ry­ing the wifi cables. The­r­e­fo­re we expect robust health inclu­ding accu­ra­te vac­ci­na­ti­on (e.g. rabies, yel­low fever, menin­gi­tis, flu, DTP, MMR and other mali­cious viru­s­es), no fear of fly­ing and the abili­ty to sleep at the air­port for four to seven nights a year. Resi­li­ence to tem­pe­ra­tu­re as well as to ver­ti­cal sepa­ra­ti­on or inte­gra­ti­on sce­na­ri­os is man­da­to­ry. Your fit­ness level should be well abo­ve avera­ge to ensu­re, that you can car­ry all wifi cables wit­hout hur­ting yours­elf or others.

We would app­re­cia­te if you are inte­res­ted and expect your CV sent to Kat­rin Ohl­mer (kat­rin at dot­ber­lin dot de)

If not – check out and regis­ter your own .ber­lin-domain!