
In sei­ner „Road Map for the Digi­tal City” hat New York’s Bür­ger­meis­ter Bloom­berg auch die Schaf­fung einer eige­nen .NYC Stadt-Top-Level-Domain aufgenommen:

The City of New York is curr­ent­ly pur­suing the intro­duc­tion of the .nyc top-level domain, a glo­bal mile­stone that will enable inno­va­ti­on and digi­tal ser­vices for resi­dents, and eco­no­mic advan­ta­ges for busi­nesses. New York City could be one of the world’s first cities to ope­ra­te its own top-level domain, pre­sen­ting enorm­ous oppor­tu­ni­ties. The .nyc domain will be admi­nis­te­red by a pri­va­te ven­dor to be sel­ec­ted by doitt. The City is curr­ent­ly revie­w­ing ven­dor can­di­da­tes that respon­ded to the City’s initi­al Request for Pro­po­sals (rfp), and plans to sub­mit its appli­ca­ti­on for the .nyc top-level domain when the Inter­na­tio­nal Cor­po­ra­ti­on for Assi­gned Names and Num­bers (icann) opens the appli­ca­ti­on pro­cess. icann’s time­line is expec­ted to be fina­li­zed after its offi­ci­al June 21, 2011 mee­ting, and the City of New York plans to app­ly when the appli­ca­ti­on peri­od opens. Only the ven­dor sel­ec­ted by New York City govern­ment will have the legal right to admi­nis­ter the .nyc domain.