Die .nyc-Initiative hat heute einen schönen Artikel in der New York Times, das ist schon ein kleiner Ritterschlag.
Interessant ist vor allem die Passage, in der die Chefin der Technologieabteilung die Unterstützung der Stadt ankündigt. Sollte New York uns Berlinern damit etwa zuvorkommen?
City Councilwoman Gale A. Brewer, chairwoman of the Technology in Government Committee, is expected to introduce legislation in support of the .nyc initiative within the next few weeks.
„A .nyc address gives New York City a recognizable brand name on the World Wide Web,” Ms. Brewer said. „It lets New Yorkers and anyone else search for and find New York City businesses and nonprofit organizations, and helps us further enhance our economic development. It also shows that New York City is truly a digital community on par with the other tech centers across the globe.”
Link zum Artikel: http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/06/09/dot-what-will_this_name_happennyc/#comment-344476