Die .nyc-Initia­ti­ve hat heu­te einen schö­nen Arti­kel in der New York Times, das ist schon ein klei­ner Ritterschlag.


Inter­es­sant ist vor allem die Pas­sa­ge, in der die Che­fin der Tech­no­lo­gie­ab­tei­lung die Unter­stüt­zung der Stadt ankün­digt. Soll­te New York uns Ber­li­nern damit etwa zuvorkommen?

City Coun­cil­wo­man Gale A. Bre­wer, chair­wo­man of the Tech­no­lo­gy in Govern­ment Com­mit­tee, is expec­ted to intro­du­ce legis­la­ti­on in sup­port of the .nyc initia­ti­ve within the next few weeks.

„A .nyc address gives New York City a reco­gnizable brand name on the World Wide Web,” Ms. Bre­wer said. „It lets New Yor­kers and anyo­ne else search for and find New York City busi­nesses and non­pro­fit orga­niza­ti­ons, and helps us fur­ther enhan­ce our eco­no­mic deve­lo­p­ment. It also shows that New York City is tru­ly a digi­tal com­mu­ni­ty on par with the other tech cen­ters across the globe.”

Link zum Arti­kel: http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/06/09/dot-what-will_this_name_happennyc/#comment-344476