.ber­lin und die Ent­wick­lung hin zu regio­na­len Namen­räu­men (Top-Level-Domains) wur­de auch noch ein­mal von Nitin Desai (United Nati­ons Secretary-General’s Spe­cial Advi­ser for Inter­net Gover­nan­ce) und Wolf­gang Klein­wäch­ter (Spe­cial Advi­sor to the Secre­ta­ry-Gene­ral) in der Zusam­men­fas­sung des Inter­net Gover­nan­ce Forums in Rio de Janei­ro aufgegriffen:

NITIN DESAI: I now have Wolf­gang Klein­wäch­ter, on the broa­de­ning of the domain name space.

WOLFGANG KLEINWÄCHTER: Good mor­ning, ever­y­bo­dy. Thank you, Mr. Chair­man. My name is Wolf­gang Klein­wäch­ter, from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Aar­hus. I was, tog­e­ther with five other orga­niza­ti­ons, the con­ve­nor of a work­shop on the cri­ti­cal Inter­net resour­ces on broa­de­ning the domain name space, top-level domains for city, regi­ons, and con­ti­nents. It was the first sum­mit of pro­jects of TLDs exis­ting in emer­ging pro­jects of top-level domains which has a refe­rence to a geo­gra­phic name, city, regi­on, or some­thing else. And we star­ted with the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of three exis­ting top-level domains, dot EU, dot Asia, and dot cat, for Cata­lo­nia. And then we had the pre­sen­ta­ti­on of emer­ging pro­jects, which included cities, regi­ons, and con­ti­nents. It was done dot NYC for New York City, dot Ber­lin, dot Paris, dot cym for Wales, dot GAL for Gali­cia. Dot BTN for Bri­tan­nia, and dot (say­ing name) for a group of Latin Ame­ri­can count­ries, dot lat also for Latin Ame­ri­can count­ries, and dot Afri­ca. And then we had a dis­cus­sion about whe­ther it makes sen­se or not to have such kind of new top-level domains in the pro­cess of the intro­duc­tion of new gTLDs.
We heard comm­ents from the user com­mu­ni­ty, the indi­vi­du­al users and the busi­ness users. And then we had a nice dis­cus­sion with mem­bers from the audi­ence. We had around 130 peo­p­le in the room. And the three mes­sa­ges from the work­shop are, one, the­re is a gro­wing wave of pro­jects, you know, for new top-level domains which have geo­gra­phi­cal ele­ment in it. And this is seen as a new oppor­tu­ni­ty for glo­bal cul­tu­ral bran­ding and for the sti­mu­la­ti­on of new local busi­ness and for giving the con­su­mer more choices. Num­ber two, geoTLDs would enrich the domain name sys­tem, would intro­du­ce a new ele­ments in the DNS, and would give users more choice. And the third mes­sa­ge is, ICANN should speed
up its pro­ce­du­res and to open the door for the accre­di­ta­ti­on of new gTLDs as soon as pos­si­ble and to include geoTLDs into this pro­cess. Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

Link: http://www.intgovforum.org/Rio_Meeting/IGF2-ReportingBack-15NOV07.txt