Auf dem Jahreskongress des eco – Verband der deutschen Internetwirtschaft e.V. wurde das Thema „neue Top-Level-Domains” ausführlich in einem eigenen Panel diskutiert.
Der Berater der Stadt Paris, Stephane van Gelder, stellte vor, dass die Paris ihre Top-Level-Domain selbst aktiv für Webseiten nutzen will. Dazu gehöre nutzen. Sie will .paris auch intensiv als effektives internationales Stadtmarketinginstrument einsetzen. Aber auch Bürger und Unternehmen sollen die Möglichkeit erhalten .paris für ihre eigenen Webseiten zu nutzen. Laut van Gelder „fördere das den Erfolg von .paris erheblich”. Wesentlich offenere Registrierungsbedingungen als bei .fr werden dafür förderlich sein.
Stadt Paris möchte mit AFNIC zusammenarbeiten
Eine besonders wichtige Entscheidung hat die Stadt Paris ebenfalls getroffen. Das technische Back-End für .paris wird von .fr-Betreiberin AFNIC in Zusammenarbeit mit CORE aus Genf realisiert. Das ist auch für .berlin wichtig, da wir ebenfalls mit CORE zusammenarbeiten. Dadurch ist sichergestellt, dass .paris, .berlin und weitere Stadt-Top-Level-Domains über ein identisches Protokoll registrierbar sind. Das ist ein unschätzbarer Vorteil bei der Listung von .berlin bei Registraren, bei denen schließlich Unternehmen und Bürger ihre .berlin registrieren werden.
Der Originaltext der Rede
Ladies and Gentlemen,
To enhance the image of Paris, to enhance its investment and local economic and also ensure the proper management of a new Internet extension, the City of Paris wished the creation of a „. paris. The establishment of this new extension in the collective interest is in line with policy development and innovation undertaken by the City’s infrastructure and digital services. It will strengthen the rights of the City on its behalf. It will also enhance the economic and social action of all partners and local actors.
On June 25, 2008, during the reception at City Hall in Paris in honor of ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers), JeanLouis MISSIKA, Deputy Mayor innovation, has announced the official candidate of the City of Paris for the creation of an extension Internet „. paris. The City of Paris then selected through a competitive procedure for the company INDOM to accompany the submission of the application and obtaining „. paris. Under this project, and to meet the requirements of ICANN as they were set initially in the guide’s provisional candidate for gTLDs (Generic Top Level domains1), the City of Paris was to enlist the services of an actor specializing in technical management of a register extension, also called „technical registry” or „Backend registry”.
The City has launched a consultation aimed to entrust a flanking Technically the project. paris „to present a coherent and technically led to ICANN the timing of the City of Paris for a candidate. This mission will result in legal terms by a service concession within the meaning of European law and Article 1 of the 4th Directive 200,418 31 March 2004.
Decision for the .paris Partner
Following the publicity given March 4, 2009 on the site of the Official Journal of the European Union, 5 candidates submitted bids.One of them pulled out very quickly and a second was rejected because its offer was not enough technically defined and contained no guarantee of funding proposed. 3 candidates have been selected for negotiations and hearings by the steering committee of the City and INDOM two U.S. companies, CRS (Central Registry Solutions) and NEUSTAR and associative grouping francosuisse AFNIC / CORE, AFNIC is the current manager of .fr.
After negotiations, it appears that the offer of group AFNIC / CORE is the most advantageous for the City. It is technically sound, includes the business plan most favorable to the City and has the decisive advantage of being carried by a French team located in the Paris region. Accordingly, I request you to kindly approve the concession contract for service obtaining of the extension „. Paris” and the administrative and technical management of this extension and authorize me to sign. Please, ladies and gentlemen, kindly discuss this. The Mayor of Paris