Auf dem Jah­res­kon­gress des eco – Ver­band der deut­schen Inter­net­wirt­schaft e.V. wur­de das The­ma „neue Top-Level-Domains” aus­führ­lich in einem eige­nen Panel diskutiert.

Der Bera­ter der Stadt Paris, Ste­pha­ne van Gel­der, stell­te vor, dass die Paris ihre Top-Level-Domain selbst aktiv für Web­sei­ten nut­zen will. Dazu gehö­re nut­zen. Sie will .paris auch inten­siv als effek­ti­ves inter­na­tio­na­les Stadt­mar­ke­ting­in­stru­ment ein­set­zen. Aber auch Bür­ger und Unter­neh­men sol­len die Mög­lich­keit erhal­ten .paris für ihre eige­nen Web­sei­ten zu nut­zen. Laut van Gel­der „för­de­re das den Erfolg von .paris erheb­lich”. Wesent­lich offe­ne­re Regis­trie­rungs­be­din­gun­gen als bei .fr wer­den dafür för­der­lich sein.

Stadt Paris möch­te mit AFNIC zusammenarbeiten

Eine beson­ders wich­ti­ge Ent­schei­dung hat die Stadt Paris eben­falls getrof­fen. Das tech­ni­sche Back-End für .paris wird von .fr-Betrei­be­rin AFNIC in Zusam­men­ar­beit mit CORE aus Genf rea­li­siert. Das ist auch für .ber­lin wich­tig, da wir eben­falls mit CORE zusam­men­ar­bei­ten. Dadurch ist sicher­ge­stellt, dass .paris, .ber­lin und wei­te­re Stadt-Top-Level-Domains über ein iden­ti­sches Pro­to­koll regis­trier­bar sind. Das ist ein unschätz­ba­rer Vor­teil bei der Lis­tung von .ber­lin bei Regis­tra­ren, bei denen schließ­lich Unter­neh­men und Bür­ger ihre .ber­lin regis­trie­ren werden.

Der Ori­gi­nal­text der Rede

Ladies and Gen­tle­men,
To enhan­ce the image of Paris, to enhan­ce its invest­ment and local eco­no­mic and also ensu­re the pro­per manage­ment of a new Inter­net exten­si­on, the City of Paris wis­hed the crea­ti­on of a „. paris. The estab­lish­ment of this new exten­si­on in the coll­ec­ti­ve inte­rest is in line with poli­cy deve­lo­p­ment and inno­va­ti­on under­ta­ken by the City’s infra­struc­tu­re and digi­tal ser­vices. It will streng­then the rights of the City on its behalf. It will also enhan­ce the eco­no­mic and social action of all part­ners and local actors. 

On June 25, 2008, during the recep­ti­on at City Hall in Paris in honor of ICANN (Inter­net Cor­po­ra­ti­on for Assi­gned Names and Num­bers), Jean­Lou­is MISSIKA, Depu­ty Mayor inno­va­ti­on, has announ­ced the offi­ci­al can­di­da­te of the City of Paris for the crea­ti­on of an exten­si­on Inter­net „. paris. The City of Paris then sel­ec­ted through a com­pe­ti­ti­ve pro­ce­du­re for the com­pa­ny INDOM to accom­pa­ny the sub­mis­si­on of the appli­ca­ti­on and obtai­ning „. paris. Under this pro­ject, and to meet the requi­re­ments of ICANN as they were set initi­al­ly in the guide’s pro­vi­sio­nal can­di­da­te for gTLDs (Gene­ric Top Level domains1), the City of Paris was to enlist the ser­vices of an actor spe­cia­li­zing in tech­ni­cal manage­ment of a regis­ter exten­si­on, also cal­led „tech­ni­cal regis­try” or „Backend registry”.

The City has laun­ched a con­sul­ta­ti­on aimed to ent­rust a flan­king Tech­ni­cal­ly the pro­ject. paris „to pre­sent a coher­ent and tech­ni­cal­ly led to ICANN the timing of the City of Paris for a can­di­da­te. This mis­si­on will result in legal terms by a ser­vice con­ces­si­on within the mea­ning of Euro­pean law and Artic­le 1 of the 4th Direc­ti­ve 200,418 31 March 2004. 

Decis­i­on for the .paris Partner

Fol­lo­wing the publi­ci­ty given March 4, 2009 on the site of the Offi­ci­al Jour­nal of the Euro­pean Uni­on, 5 can­di­da­tes sub­mit­ted bids.One of them pul­led out very quick­ly and a second was rejec­ted becau­se its offer was not enough tech­ni­cal­ly defi­ned and con­tai­ned no gua­ran­tee of fun­ding pro­po­sed. 3 can­di­da­tes have been sel­ec­ted for nego­tia­ti­ons and hea­rings by the stee­ring com­mit­tee of the City and INDOM two U.S. com­pa­nies, CRS (Cen­tral Regis­try Solu­ti­ons) and NEUSTAR and asso­cia­ti­ve grou­ping fran­co­su­is­se AFNIC / CORE, AFNIC is the cur­rent mana­ger of .fr.

After nego­tia­ti­ons, it appears that the offer of group AFNIC / CORE is the most advan­ta­ge­ous for the City. It is tech­ni­cal­ly sound, includes the busi­ness plan most favorable to the City and has the decisi­ve advan­ta­ge of being car­ri­ed by a French team loca­ted in the Paris regi­on. Accor­din­gly, I request you to kind­ly appro­ve the con­ces­si­on con­tract for ser­vice obtai­ning of the exten­si­on „. Paris” and the admi­nis­tra­ti­ve and tech­ni­cal manage­ment of this exten­si­on and aut­ho­ri­ze me to sign. Plea­se, ladies and gen­tle­men, kind­ly dis­cuss this. The Mayor of Paris