Endlich geht es bei ICANN weiter! Nachdem das ICANN-Direktorium heute den Vorschlag für das umstrittene, weil aufwendige und Spekulanten Vorschub leistende, Vorbewerbungsverfahren (Expressions of Interest, kurz EOI) abgelehnt hat, können sich die ICANN-Mitarbeiter endlich wieder auf ihre Kernaufgabe, nämlich die Abarbeitung der letzten offenen Punkte im Bewerbungsverfahren für die neuen TLDs, konzentrieren.
Wir begrüßen diese Entscheidung ausdrücklich und hatten uns dafür eingesetzt. Das ICANN-Direktorium schließt sich damit auch der Meinung der Regierungsvertreter und Markenrechteinhaber an.
Der Originaltext der Entscheidung hier:
4. New gTLDs Implementation – Status Report, and Consideration of Expressions of Interest Proposal
Whereas the ICANN Board passed a resolution in Seoul directing ICANN staff to study the potential impact of a call for formal “expressions of interest”, and provide a plan for Board consideration in December 2009, including possible options and a risk analysis relating to a proposed action;
Whereas ICANN staff presented an analysis of the potential benefits of an Expressions of Interest (EOI) process, and developed a preliminary EOI process model for ICANN Board discussion;
Whereas, the ICANN Board consideration of the model was deferred until the Nairobi meeting to encourage full debate on aspects of the proposed EOI model, consistent with advice from the GAC in its letter to ICANN dated 26 January 2010;
Whereas ICANN staff has received substantial public comment on the EOI proposal, including two public comment sessions and at the public forum at the 37 th International Meeting in Nairobi, with thoughtful and substantial contributions regarding proceeding with an EOI and the proposed form of the EOI, raising concerns both in support of an in opposition to proceeding with the EOI;
Whereas, on 10 March 2010 the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) issued the “GAC Communiqué – Nairobi” questioning the benefits of pursuing further a separate EOI as it could distract attention and resources from finalizing the New gTLD Program;
Whereas, the Board has carefully considered all public comments received on the EOI;
Whereas, the Board has determined that the potential benefits of proceeding with an EOI were outweighed by the costs of potential delay to the New gTLD Program, the lack of certainty about the date when the overarching issues would be resolved to the satisfaction of the Board, the consequential difficulty of synchronizing the launch of the New gTLD Program with the proposed EOI, and preferring to focus staff resources on resolving the remaining issues; and
Whereas, the staff and community work on the issues outstanding in the New gTLD Program continue to progress.
Resolved (2010.03.12.14) the Board withdraws the Expressions of Interest proposal from consideration.
Resolved (2010.03.12.15) the Board directs the CEO to continue to work towards the launch of the New gTLD Program.
Resolved (2010.03.12.16) the Board thanks the community for all of its work on the Expressions of Interest proposal, including the collaborative community work to initiate the Board’s consideration of the proposal.