
Auf dem tra­di­tio­nel­len „Public Forum” beim ICANN-Mee­ting nut­zen wir erneut die Gele­gen­heit, eini­ge Punk­te vor dem ICANN-Direk­to­ri­um anzubringen.

Rede­bei­trag von dotBERLIN

My name is Dirk Kri­schenow­ski, I’m foun­der and CEO of the dot­BER­LIN TLD initia­ti­ve. I also speak for other long-stan­ding Ger­man GeoTLD initia­ti­ves such as dot­ham­burg and dot­ba­va­ria which star­ted alre­a­dy in 2006.

The first point rela­tes to the time­line. The new gTLD time­line was lost at the ICANN mee­ting in Seo­ul and did not came back. I had the hope at this mee­ting that the time­line might appear some­whe­re with the DAG4 or during the mee­ting. So the first ques­ti­on is, when do we see a time­line for the new gTLD program?

My second point is that we app­re­cia­te the pro­gress that has been made at this mee­ting and in the past few months sin­ce Nai­ro­bi. We also app­re­cia­te that a num­ber of ele­ments which have from the begin­ning been part of our con­cept for the ope­ra­ti­on of regio­nal name spaces are now included in the pre­fi­nal DAG ver­si­on. For ins­tance, we always assu­med that a GeoTLDs need to be ope­ra­ted by the com­mu­ni­ty con­cer­ned simi­lar as the ccTLDs do based on RFC 1591.

We also anti­ci­pa­ted that chan­ge of con­trol of the GeoTLDs legal form or in owner­ship or a com­ple­te regis­try sale should only be pos­si­ble with appr­oval of the rele­vant government(s). As you pro­ba­b­ly know we have deve­lo­ped the lar­ge com­mu­ni­ty for dot­Ber­lin over the past years by doing out­reach to all rele­vant stake­hol­ders in Ber­lin and bey­ond. We did this in good faith and in accordance with the ICANN model.

The past days have con­tri­bu­ted to our con­fi­dence that the remai­ning issues can be sol­ved within the next months, and we look for­ward to par­ti­ci­pa­te fur­ther in the working groups.

An inter­me­dia­te ICANN sum­mit bet­ween now and the Car­ta­ge­na mee­ting could also be very hel­pful for this. What are the plans for the so-cal­led ICANN sum­mit whe­re we might see the pre-pre-final DAG then?

Pho­to: Dirk Kri­schenow­ski in der Dis­kus­si­on mit ICANN Seni­or Vice Pre­si­dent Kurz Pritz

Link: http://brussels38.icann.org/node/12532
