Bei einem Work­shop auf dem ICANN Mee­ting in Syd­ney ist ein­mal wie­der unse­re Exper­ti­se gefragt. 

Die Fra­ge ist, ob es für unpro­ble­ma­ti­sche Geo-Top-Level-Domains ein „Frühstarter”-Fenster geben soll. Einen ent­pre­chen­den Vor­schlag unter­stüt­zen wir mit zahl­rei­chen ande­ren Parteien.

Neben sind auf dem Panel der ehe­ma­li­ge ICANN Direk­tor Ama­deu Abril i Abril, der Lon­do­ner Rechts­exper­te Nick Wood, der Coun­cil Mem­ber bei MARQUES, der Euro­pean Asso­cia­ti­on of Brand Owners ist und einen Sitz beim Advi­so­ry Board of the Czech Court of Arbi­tra­ti­on inne hat, sowie wei­te­re Inter­net­ex­per­ten aus.

Mein Rede­bei­trag:

Dear Ladies and Gen­tle­man, thank you for invi­ting us again to speak up again on the topic of city top-level domains. We are over­whel­med by the huge suc­cess and deve­lo­p­ment the city top-level domain move­ment made in the past cou­ple of years. Today the­re are more than 12 city top-level domain initia­ti­ves a a lot of cul­tu­ral and lin­gu­i­stic initia­ti­ves as well.

We app­re­cia­te that ICANN CEO and Pre­si­dent Paul Two­mey men­tio­ned in near­ly all inter­views gave during the last year the cityTLDs as an exam­p­le of a reasonable and bene­fi­ci­al expan­si­on of the domain name sys­tem (DNS).

The bene­fits of city top-level domains are unquestionable:

They pro­vi­de local iden­ti­ty for the city, the citi­zens and their orga­niza­ti­ons. The recent­ly published Gan­di report men­tio­ned that only tho­se TLDs are likely to suc­ceed that are able to pro­vi­de real iden­ti­ty. Second­ly city top-level domains are local name space for today’s hyper­lo­cal world with local search, local busi­ness and local news etc.

For place bran­ding cityTLDs mean a nee­ded USP and a desi­ra­ble advan­ta­ge of the loca­ti­on. Last but not least cityTLDs will con­tri­bu­te to wealth and reve­nues even in the­se hard eco­no­mic times. ICANN should faci­li­ta­te this oppor­tu­ni­ty. To sum­ma­ri­ze, city top-level domains will be of pri­ce­l­ess value for cities.

We in Ber­lin have our appli­ca­ti­on for ICANN rea­dy sin­ce 2007, as well as other cities do have. We as well as our city govern­ments do not under­stand why ICANN reta­ins us for years now. This hurts the city com­mu­ni­ties, not only in terms of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and trust but also with a huge eco­no­mic burden.

Sin­ce cityTLDs and other cul­tu­ral and lin­gu­i­stic top-level domains are the only ones, I repeat the only ones, which need to be in agree­ment with the rele­vant govern­ments and aut­ho­ri­ties when app­ly­ing at ICANN, ever­y­bo­dy knows that their appr­oval will be a fast track, with no objections.

The­r­e­fo­re we do not see why city, cul­tu­ral and lin­gu­i­stic top-level domains should be lon­ger retai­ned from ente­ring the root. We think an ear­ly appli­ca­ti­on win­dow is nee­ded for the­se straight­for­ward TLDs. This would relax the first appli­ca­ti­on round a lot and could give ICANN’s nex CEO the chan­ce to show that new TLD are able to crea­te and deli­ver what they promise.

I hope this dis­cus­sion will con­tri­bu­te to a reli­ef of the stress sym­ptoms the new gTLD pro­cess alre­a­dy shows.–06-20-NewTLD-StepByStep1.pdf