Das dies­jäh­ri­ge Inter­net Gover­nan­ce Forum (IGF) steht allen Inter­es­sier­ten offen, die eige­ne The­men rund um recht­li­che, poli­ti­sche, sozia­le und tech­ni­sche Fra­gen des Inter­nets ein­brin­gen wol­len. Das IGF fin­det in Ber­lin vom 25.–29. Novem­ber erst­ma­lig in Ber­lin statt, die Web­sei­te unter www.igf2019.berlin hält alle wei­te­ren Infor­ma­tio­nen bereit. Es wer­den rund 3.000 Teil­neh­mer aus aller Welt erwar­tet. Unse­re dot­BER­LIN-Vor­schlä­ge zum IGF 2019 stel­len wir hier­mit ger­ne vor.

dot­BER­LIN-Vor­schlä­ge zum IGF 2019

Da dot­BER­LIN eine der vie­len Orga­ni­sa­tio­nen des Inter­net-Öko­sys­tems ist haben wir für das IGF 2019 bereits im Janu­ar ins­ge­samt drei The­men­vor­schlä­ge ein­ge­bracht, die neben vie­len ande­ren, unter https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/igf-2019-proposed-issues abruf­bar sind:

Chan­ces and Chal­lenges of Sin­gle Sign-on Digi­tal Iden­ti­ties for Citizens. 

Digi­tal iden­ti­ties for citi­zens touch key ques­ti­ons like secu­ri­ty, pri­va­cy and ope­ness for the invol­ved par­ties which are govern­ments, com­pa­nies and indi­vi­du­als. The issue is to dis­cuss which sin­gle sign-on digi­tal iden­ti­ties are capa­ble to ful­fill todays and future requi­re­ments and how should their gover­nan­ce look like: Indus­try made clo­sed iden­ti­ties (wal­led-gar­den) or community/government mana­ged open identites.

Why DNS infra­struc­tu­re is a key asset of the future smart places. 

Our digi­tal com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is lar­ge­ly based on the DNS (Domain-Name-Sys­tem). Alt­hough being a cri­ti­cal infra­struc­tu­re, the DNS has not real­ly rea­ched the poli­ti­cal dis­cus­sion. The issue is about how to sen­si­ti­se and secu­re inter­na­tio­nal and mul­ti-stake­hol­der atten­ti­on for the DNS as nec­ces­sa­ry infra­struc­tu­re for the digi­ta­li­sa­ti­on of smart places in the 21. century.

Public inte­rest chal­lenges in gover­ning geo­gra­phic top-level domains. 

Over 60 new geo­gra­phic top-level domains (geoTLDs) have beco­me digi­tal iden­ti­ties for cities and regi­ons so far. What are the key chal­lenges for stake­hol­ders in gover­ning the place’s digi­tal home and what are the key fac­tors that make a geoTLD a suc­cess for the place and its inha­bi­tans. When is the next oppor­tu­ni­ty to app­ly for a geoTLD?

Vor dem inter­na­tio­na­le IGF fin­det am 11. Sep­tem­ber das natio­na­le IGF statt. Auch hier kön­nen von inter­es­sier­ten Per­so­nen und Orga­ni­sa­tio­nen bis zum 13. März The­men­vor­schlä­ge ein­ge­reicht wer­den: https://www.intgovforum-deutschland.org/callforparticipation-288416.html