Auf dem traditionellen „Public Forum” beim ICANN-Meeting nutzen wir erneut die Gelegenheit, einige Punkte vor dem ICANN-Direktorium anzubringen.
Redebeitrag von dotBERLIN
My name is Dirk Krischenowski, I’m founder and CEO of the dotBERLIN TLD initiative. I also speak for other long-standing German GeoTLD initiatives such as dothamburg and dotbavaria which started already in 2006.
The first point relates to the timeline. The new gTLD timeline was lost at the ICANN meeting in Seoul and did not came back. I had the hope at this meeting that the timeline might appear somewhere with the DAG4 or during the meeting. So the first question is, when do we see a timeline for the new gTLD program?
My second point is that we appreciate the progress that has been made at this meeting and in the past few months since Nairobi. We also appreciate that a number of elements which have from the beginning been part of our concept for the operation of regional name spaces are now included in the prefinal DAG version. For instance, we always assumed that a GeoTLDs need to be operated by the community concerned similar as the ccTLDs do based on RFC 1591.
We also anticipated that change of control of the GeoTLDs legal form or in ownership or a complete registry sale should only be possible with approval of the relevant government(s). As you probably know we have developed the large community for dotBerlin over the past years by doing outreach to all relevant stakeholders in Berlin and beyond. We did this in good faith and in accordance with the ICANN model.
The past days have contributed to our confidence that the remaining issues can be solved within the next months, and we look forward to participate further in the working groups.
An intermediate ICANN summit between now and the Cartagena meeting could also be very helpful for this. What are the plans for the so-called ICANN summit where we might see the pre-pre-final DAG then?
Photo: Dirk Krischenowski in der Diskussion mit ICANN Senior Vice President Kurz Pritz
Link: http://brussels38.icann.org/node/12532