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dot­BER­LIN award­ed the eco Inter­net A

dot­BER­LIN award­ed the eco Inter­net Award 2007

Colo­gne, 20.06.2007 – Yes­ter­day, at the cere­mo­ni­al awards for the eco Inter­net Awards, dot­BER­LIN GmbH & Co. KG won the spe­cial award for the Ger­ma­ny Inter­net indus­try. dot­BER­LIN aims to crea­te a new domain ending .ber­lin (a top-level domain), which will result in a local iden­ti­ty for Ber­li­ners in the Inter­net, pro­vi­ding an alter­na­ti­ve to […]

Com­ment by dot­BER­LIN: Ger­man Par­lia

Com­ment by dot­BER­LIN: Ger­man Par­lia­ment calls upon Govern­ment to sup­port advance­ment of the Inter­net Domain Name System

Ber­lin, 09.03.2007 – dot­BER­LIN, the initia­ti­ve for a new Top Level Domain .ber­lin, wel­co­mes the reso­lu­ti­on „Advance­ment of the adress space in the Inter­net” (prin­ted paper no. 16/4564; cour­te­sy trans­la­ti­on) which the fac­tions of Social Demo­crats (SPD) and the Chris­ti­an Demo­crats (CDU/CSU) in the Ger­man Par­lia­ment sub­mit­ted to the ple­na­ry this week. In it, the […]